You are the missing piece to my puzzle.
I'll never give up on you sayang.
I promise you, you are my life.
P/s : I love you =)

You are the missing piece to my puzzle.
I'll never give up on you sayang.
I promise you, you are my life.
Friends are like walls.
Sometimes you lean on them,
and sometimes it's just enough to know they're there.
Make your friends your diamonds rather than your gold.
Precious yet untradeable.
~Mya Hafizy~
Ugh bosan! Stalk wall budak2 ni la! Haha!Satu demi satu wall facebook aku teliti, aku hayati status masing2. Sampai ke Nurul Aini, aku tengok relationship status, siblings..
Nas Dian.Aku bukak wall dia. Aku baca status. Then aku klik photos.
Dah panjang..Kat album friends, gambar kawan2 dia terpampang, semuanya gila2.
Macam dia..Aku sentap!
Dunia aku dan dia berbeza..Satu perkara yg tak mungkin boleh aku ubah, dari dulu lagi.
Kau dan aku tak pernah ditakdirkan untuk bersatu. Biar seberapa dalam cinta yg aku curahkan untuk kau, walau setinggi mana kau sandarkan impian untuk menghabiskan sisa2 hidup kau bersamaku, cinta kita tak mungkin kesampaian.Aku cepat2 balik ke homepage aku.
Ugh kenapa aku stalk wall mamat tu tadi? Mengong betul la!
"Love that you cannot have is the one that lasts the longest, hurts the deepest, and feels the strongest."
"I promise someday you'll regret losing me. You'll think back and say, "Damn! That girl really DID love me!" "
Itu orang hantar air tak datang r? Mungkin dia tau saya tak kerja hari ni kot.
Itu sorang india r, dia kata you muka tak mau senyum, masam saje.
Semua customer r, kalo Alex ada tak mau masuk. Saya ada saja baru mau masuk. you macam itu ka?
I know I couldn't move on without you.
I'm aware that it was like breaking my own neck for leaving you.
I realize that my tears wont stop falling forever if you're no longer stay by my side.
But what should I do?
Why did your love keep hurting me?
Where did I do wrong?