Don't say that you understand me cos you never did.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
A lesson! :)
"Let go of your ex before you run into the next. Otherwise you're jumping into the future while holding onto the past."
P/s: I love my future! Thanks to you
Saturday, June 25, 2011
My Honeymoon..
Here it is! Durian Pancake! Macam sedap kan? |
Sedap beb! Tapi untuk orang yg suka makan durian la. Bagi aku yg memang tak minat durian, tak sedap langsung weh! Takkan aku sentuh lagi dah benda ni. |
Strawberry Love~ Biskut panjang tu aku dah termakan satu pulak. Hekhek.. |
Maybe sebab ada perkataan honeymoon kot aku suka sangat aiskrim2 ni. Nak nak tiap kali pergi, makan dengan |
Keseronokan menikmati honeymoon masing2. Hahaha!
P/s: Aku suka coklat! So tiap2 kali order aiskrim coklat. Next time kena tukar selera ni! Oh ya, thanks so much
Friday, June 24, 2011

I'm not perfect.
I've told you from the very beginning.
Still you never lose hope on me.
Something that no one ever did.
I'm not perfect.
I did broke my promise sometimes.
I did something I shouldn't do.
Then I realize, no one can ever replace you.
And I can't stop blaming myself ever since.
It takes years to build trust, and a few seconds to destroy it.
Trust is like a paper. Once it's crumbled, it can never be perfect.
P/s: I'm suck in giving hopes, never knew what to say to ease your restless heart. But I assure you, I'm yours! And let me build back the trust you once had on me. =)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I don't want to blame him. But the reality is, I'm going to scold him kaw-kaw if only he's not him!
You said those are just some messages. But what you don't understand my dear, those messages mean a lot to me! You just won't get it do you?
You never change. You never did try to understand me, at all.
P/s: Bukan sebab mesej2 tu you delete yg buat I terkilan. Tapi sikap you.
Monday, June 20, 2011
It's hard seeing him, happy with someone else.
I loved you. Have you ever loved me?
We used to talk on the phone all night, thinking the next day might never arrive anymore.
We used to laugh together, thinking how stupid we've become after our dearly fight.
We used to cry together, thinking we should bear the pain equally.
We used to trust on each other, thinking that's the most precious gift ever.
We used to plant new future everyday, thinking we're going to spend our life with no other.
I loved you. Have you ever loved me?
You used to make a promise, you used to give me hopes, and you're the one who broke everything!
P/s: Get out from my head, from my heart!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Let go of me!
Why suddenly everything seems like a coincidence? A coincidence or is it just you? Just leave me alone will you? You make me sick!
P/s: I just want to let go!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Ehem ehem.. Hari ni aku dapat result MUET aku. Dan akhirnye terjawab sudah segala teka-teki aku selama ni. Aku dapat band 4 jek! 2 markah lagi nak naik band 5 weh! Arghhh bengang tak bengang! Tapi takpe la. At least memang band 4 yg aku harapkan. Terpakse la redha~

P/s : Nak berlagak sikit. Walaupun result tak gempak mane. Haha! Ni kalo aku tunjuk kat mak aku memang tak paham langsung ni.

P/s : Nak berlagak sikit. Walaupun result tak gempak mane. Haha! Ni kalo aku tunjuk kat mak aku memang tak paham langsung ni.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Just bought a new baju kurung, really pretty baju kurung. Then, nak iron petang tadi, terbakar lak kain linen dia. Arghhhhhh! Satu hal pulak nak mencari kain linen kaler serupe. Kang aku beli je baju baru terus kang! Bengang betul! Haiz!
Hari tu, bersembang dengan dia. Then, aku tercakap pulak benda yg tak patut aku tanya. Yes it's my fault. Coz his answer, is not what I expect at all. Sekarang, aku jugak yg gigit jari, aku jugak la yg susah hati. Dah la you. I'm tired, just like how you're tired melayan I yg macam budak2 ni.
You know what, I'm tired stalking other people's Facebook. But in some case, I just can't help it. I feel stupid somehow. Hahaha
P/s : Perasaan bercelaru. Tak tahu nak luahkan apa dari hati ni dah. Haaa let me go!
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