Sunday, January 23, 2011


If you want something, you'll have to lose another.

I'm gonna quit my job. That's it! Penat tired exhausted semua ada la! Tapi.. Macam mana nak bagi tau bos aku ye? Uhuhuhu.

Life in college getting better lately. With new friend yg lebih serius, plus new spek (Comel kot!). Tapi start worrying how am I gonna catch up everything I've missed and forget? Haa another big challenge there. So the conclusion is, work hard and study smart Mya! (bak kate Fiza)

Aku penat nak layan kawan yg tak pentingkan kawan lain. Agak2 la nak kata kau tu hati kering pun beb. Orang hati kering pun ada perasaan kot. So jangan nak ngade2 kata aku tinggalkan kau terkapai2 sorang2 bila aku dah dapat kawan baru. Penampar ko karang.

Almost 2 years now. Never thought it will stay this long. Now i hope it will last forever. You are the light of my life. =)

P/s: Can't I just have everything without losing anything?

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