Saturday, May 15, 2010


I thought we ARE friends. But why did she keep taking me for granted? Hah stupid?
I've lost my patient already. Nak sound tapi tak sampai hati.
Feels like what I did last time was a right thing to do. Maybe I should just ignore her. Pretend that she never existed after all. Daripada benda macam ni jadi.
Kau tak pernah berubah. Kau ingat aku banyak duit, so aku boleh suka2 la tabur duit aku kat kau? Sorry sikit ea! Aku pantang dengan makhluk kaki kikis macam kau. Tak sedar diri!

P/s: Nak sangat penyepit rambut RM5 tu? Beli guna DUIT KAU sendiri ok? Huh!

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